Annotated Bibliography

Drinking and Driving

Beilue, J. M. (2010, October 1). Game day drinking and driving. Retrieved October 4,       2010, from University of Texas - Library.

In “Game day drinking and driving,” Beilue talks about how college football game days have a higher accident rate due to drunk driving. It explains how there is more consumption of alcohol during football season than most other times of the year. Beilue doesn’t think that the mixture of alcohol, emotions, and thick traffic are a good one. He explains how most onlookers are either mad because their team lost, or happy drunk because their team won. The article is a good pick for my topic, drinking and driving, because it lets you know when people are more prone to drink and drive. It also provides the reader with solutions, such as group transportation. Drinking and driving is a horrible idea but this article goes into detail as to why it happens sometimes.

Brown, A. (2004, October 4). Teen crashes into police car, charged with dui. Retrieved     October 6, 2010, from

Brown reports that there was an accident involving a 17-year-old drunk driver. The driver hit a police officer’s patrol car. The car was pushed about 15 feet back into another car. The two police officers that were in the patrol car, and the woman in the second car were medically treated on the scene for minor injuries. This article proves that there are underage drinkers out there causing accidents. These are the types of events that prove that society has a problem with alcohol. These types of articles are used to catch the attention of the public.

Davies, L. (2005). 25 Years of saving lives. Retrieved October 6, 2010, from us/history/madd25thhistory.pdf

Davies’s article tells how Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have been working hard for many years.. MADD is an organization started by mothers whose lives were affected by drunk drivers. It was hard at first to convince the public and the courts that drunk driving was a serious issue. Without money or volunteers, the organization struggled to have their voice heard. This article is significant to my topic because it offers a solution to the national problem. This organization goes to court with families, raises money for the cause. MADD helps families who have suffered the terrible tragedy of losing a loved one due to drunk driving. The organization is a great contribution to society because this not only helps suffering families, but all of society. The harder this organization works the safer the streets of the U.S. are.

National Center for, S. (2007, December). Fatalities related to alcohol-impaired driving     during the christmas and new year's day holiday periods. Retrieved October 6,           2010, from University of Texas - library.

This article is showing how statistics are showing that there are higher alcohol related fatality rates during the holiday season. Christmas day and New Year’s Day seem to have the highest fatality rate than any other days in the month of December.  These statistics show that since 1962 the number of alcohol related accidents have been decreasing little by little. This article is important to my topic because it shows that statistically less people are drinking and driving, and that means less accidents and less deaths.  This literature gives the public hope that maybe one day drunk driving won’t exist.

Sun Times Media Wire, . (2010, October 5). Man charged with driving drunk, texting,        with kids in car. Retrieved October 6, 2010, from  ,drunk-driving-texting-kids-car-            100510.article?plckCurrentPage=1&

The Sun Times report that Ruben Rodriguez was pulled over for speeding, texting, and endangering 4 children in his SUV. The police officer that pulled him over first noticed that he was speeding and texting, then when he actually pulled the man over he realized that the man was intoxicated. This was not Rodriguez’s first offense, his license had already been suspended due to DUI. Rodriguez was not allowed to drive a vehicle if it didn’t have a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID), which the SUV he was driving didn’t have. This article is important to my topic because this is exactly what society needs to conquer. Drinking is a problem in itself, this man didn’t stop with the intoxication he kept going with the speeding and the texting.

U.S. NHTSA, . (2010). Traffic safety fact. Retrieved October 1, 2010, from University of Texas - Library.

In this project that Amy Berning managed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conducted a study on the refusal of the breath test from suspected drunk drivers. In some states when you receive a drivers license you have to agree to accept a breath, blood, or urine analysis upon proper request. This article states that in some states when a suspected drunk driver refuses to take the breath test, the officer may be granted a warrant to conduct a blood test. The author states that this may be a good and bad thing. Good because this can keep drunk drivers off of the streets, but bad because the alcohol level may have gone down by the time the officer is granted the warrant by a judge. The literature is clearly stating that something needs to be done about drunk driving. This article offers knowledge on how police officers are fighting the leading killer in young adults. This ties into my drunk driving topic because it offers a little comfort, knowing that there are people out there trying to stop this madness.

Zimmerman, R. (2003). Safe lanes on campus. Retrieved October 1, 2010, from     University of Texas - Library.

Zimmerman and DeJong tried to find ways to distract young adults from drinking and driving. There are different Events on University Campus’s that are alcohol free such as free food, bowling, and comedy. They know that vacation time is a vulnerable time for college students. This is why they try to keep students busy by hosting community service events while students are out of school. The authors believe that by reducing the availability of alcohol and events that serve alcoholic beverages, they can decrease the number of teenagers that are on the streets driving under the influence. This article ties in perfectly with my topic because it will decrease accidents that are due to drunk driving. This book offers positive distractions so that young men and woman may be more productive with their lives.