Discourse Community Map and Response

Discourse Community Map

Discourse Community Response

Why is it that when you speak to your Professor you sensor your language? Yet, when you walk out of the classroom and run into your buddy you say exactly what’s on your mind. That is because there are so many aspects in your life. With technology changing on a daily basis, you can pick and chose if you want to hand write or email a letter. You wouldn’t send an e-mail to your grandmother because she might not know how to use a computer. Justifying what communication method is perfect for each rapport is important. You can decide now if you want to send an oral, visual, or written message. Knowing who your audience is and what the purpose of the message is can set you on the right path on communicating to a diverse set of people.
            Communicating with the people you hold dearest to you can seem really easy. I can choose to send a hand written letter, birthday card, or even paint a picture for my brother who lives Kansas. Although if I want the message to get to him a little faster, I might chose a faster means of communication. Something like a text message, or a phone call could be a little faster if the message is urgent. Also, when I’m writing to my brother I know that I can throw in little nicknames like flaco, or fatty. If I wanted to I could end the letter in hugs and kisses (XOXO). I will not be graded on this paper so I don’t have to detail the header, or turn it in on time.  That is because the purpose of the message is to keep in touch and let him know that even though he is not here, I am thinking and praying for him every day.
            When I communicate with my superiors at work, it’s a little different than saying “what’s up,” to my brother. I know subordinates, peers, and superiors are professionals alike and all need to be treated as so. I always watch my language regardless if I am typing up a memo, award, counseling statement, reprimand.  Because being a soldier is a serious matter, all work must be done correctly and in a timely manner. A soldier’s main purpose is to serve and protect the United States. We want to communicate as professionals because we are molding and setting the example for future soldiers.
            Like I stated previously, technology is changing the way we communicate and it affects the schools. For instance, I have a class in an auditorium and I have close to 400 students in my class. Imagine how long it would take to figure out who was present. So now technology allows us to send a radio signal with a small remote control called a Response Card. This is the newest upcoming technology and it allows us to take quizzes on the spot, also when the Prof. wants our opinions she can simply ask for a quick response. If you are taking classes at the university then you know that you might not always have a physical text book, some books are now online. We can reach our teachers online also by email, and upload assignments to a website so that they may download them and grade them. This gets faster responses because after the Prof. grades your paper, she/he can post your grades online, hence the changing technology. Of course the emails that we send to our Prof. will be a lot more professional that the one’s that go to family and friends. However the internet isn’t the only way that we communicate at school. I turn in essays and response papers every week so that the Prof. knows if I understand the reading material.  
            As a sports fan it is imperative that the Los Angeles Lakers information is readily available to me at all times. I like that I can go online and check when the next game is and where it’s at. Also since there are a lot of Lakers fans, I have to be able to provide the fastest most accurate information about the #1 basketball team in the world. In this community of sports fans visual communication is significant. I want to watch every game and be able to communicate what I saw orally with someone who didn’t have the pleasure of watching the game.
            The conveyance of information can be done numerous ways. Determining the method of corresponding depends on who the message is going to, how fast you want it to get there, and what the purpose of the implication is.  So you can text it, fax it, e-mail it, or mail it. With technology changing we are able to have information at our finger tips in seconds.